Eso addon folder
I'm trying to install add-ons. I installed Minion, installed a few add-ons. They won't show up in my game.
My 'default' installation & launcher folder for ESO is: C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax Online
Inside this folder is 3 folders; 'Launcher'
'The Elder Scrolls Online'
The default folder for Minion add-ons to be installed is: C:UsersMyusernameDocumentsElder Scrolls Onlineliveaddons
I've tried launching the game and checking addons, I've tried reinstalling the addons through Minion, I've tried manually moving the addons from the default Minion addons folder to the C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Online folder, I've also tried changing the default Minion install path to that folder.
I'm just not sure where to put the addons in the C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax Online though, if that is even the correct thing to be doing. I tried googling but am finding no answers. Do I just drop them straight in the Zenimax folder or something like C:Program Files (x86)Zenimax OnlineThe Elder Scrolls Onlinegameliveaddons?
I thought using Minion was supposed to make this easy. Is this simply installation folder confusion or was there a step I missed in the beginning with Minion? I'm lost.
Please halp.
I had an another problem with minion addons. I installed minion, installed some addonsit, they have effect on the game, but them if I want to enter the setting menu for that particular addon, I can not find the addon in the list (some addons create a separate list, but I can not find that addon in the separate list either).
funny thing is, that most of the addons do appear in the addon setting menu, but some addons dont.
any clues how to solve this?

I thought the location is ElderScrollsOnlineAddons but that folder isn't. Game at least once, Minion will not be able to find the AddOn folder. Minion will first try to scan for the correct folder. If you're lucky it will find the AddOns folder without help, but most of the time it will fail to detect it because Minion is garbage. This is why it will ask you to select the folder manually. It may also fail if you already added AddOns manually to the AddOn folder.

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Eso addons
I'd first confirm that the add-on has settings options. I'm no add-on dev, and Ravalox would give a much more accurate answer, but I'm under the impression that an author has to build for settings options else they would provide some hook into keybinds to open the ui of the add-on. Case in point: Wykkyd's Macros. There are no settings options I've ever seen and the only way to access the add-on is to assign a hot-key to open the Macro Window. And I'm sure there are addon's with no settings or UI as they perform more like a library or do something that's not configurable by the player.© 2020