Dahl acquired his PhD degree in economics in 2000 from Aarhus University. He is now Professor at the Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark after being affiliated with first the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, USA, for several years and School of Economics and Management, Aarhus University. Here is a press release for my new cd, Childish which is released just now: Christina Dahl is one of Denmark's most respected saxophonists and she has a.



Augustinus Fonden

Thursday, March 5 at20.00 (8 PM)

Malmedal Hauge/Young & Stief/Havelund/Halberg

1. set:

Siril Malmedal Hauge(Vocal/Mandolin / NO)Jacob Young(Guitar/Guitalele / NO)

2. set:

Bo Stief (Bass / DK)Lea Havelund(Vocal/Cello / DK)Poul Halberg(Guitar / DK)

An exclusive and intimate duo with two of the most respected musicians in Norway, Siril Malmedal Hauge and Jacob Young. The focus lies on evoking the most beautiful sound images, and Young of course employs the many possibilities of multiple backing, which are offered today. We can expect both delicate sounds, the more direct and rhythmically confident ones plus deeply searching and challenging sequences in a concert that is nothing like what you have seen before in the duo setting.Furthermore, on this evening bassist Bo Stief presents a new constellation 'New Dreams' with top guitarist Poul Halberg and singer and cellist Lea Havelund. The ambition of this collaboration is to create new and easily accessible music putting the listener at the center of attention. The repertoire plays very different moods. The experience and high level of the three musicians, their personal sound and creativity develop into a truly unique sound of chamber music.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Our restaurant is open before the concert.

En eksklusiv aften med hele to koncerter. Siril Malmedal Hauge og Jacob Young præsenterer deres projekt ”Last Things”, og Lea Havelund, Poul Halberg og Bo Stief fremfører deres projekt ved navn ”New Dreams”.

Med to af Norges dybt respekterede musikere, Siril Malmedal Hauge og Jacob Young, fokuseres der på at fremmane de skønneste lydbilleder, og Young benytter sig selvfølgelig af de muligheder for flerlags-backing, der tilbydes i dag. Vi kan forvente både de sarte klange, de direkte og rytmesikre samt mere søgende og udfordrende forløb i en koncert, der med garanti ikke ligner noget andet på scenen i dag.Denne aften præsenterer bassisten Bo Stief en ny konstellation ”New Dreams” med top-guitaristen Poul Halberg og sanger og cellist Lea Havelund. Ambitionen med dette samarbejde er at skabe ny og lettilgængelig musik, der sætter lytteren i centrum. Repertoiret spiller meget forskellige stemningsbilleder frem. De tre musikeres erfaringer og høje niveau, deres personlige lyd og kreativitet udvikler sig til et helt enestående velklingende og specielt kammermusikalsk univers.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

Friday-Saturday, March 6-7 at20.00 (8 PM)

Søren Lee Diversity Trio with L. Marthe & N. Campagnol

Søren Lee(Guitar / DK)Linley Marthe(Bass / MU)Niclas Campagnol(Drums / SE)

The ability to act fully and exclusively in the present moment of performance is one of the hallmarks of Danish guitar virtuoso Søren Lee. Tonight's concert with Diversity Trio, formed and led by Lee, is your opportunity to experience the broad spectrum of his powerful yet emotional playing. In addition to Søren Lee, the trio is comprised of two other virtuosos, Linley Marthe on bass og Niclas Campagnol on drums. Together they form a new, modern and dynamic version of the guitar trio. Don't miss out on these three amazing soloists performing Lee's always well composed, open minded jazzy compositions. All three chip in with their great, individual sounds – Lee's straight from-the-heart-guitar, Marthe's groovy bass lines and Campagnol's dynamic drums. Together they have a rare chemistry that adds punch and vitality to the groovy stuff as well as Lee's beautiful ballads.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Our restaurant is open before the concert.

Nærvær og evnen til at gribe musikken her og nu er noget af dét, som den danske guitarvirtuos Søren Lee mestrer til fulde. Denne aften kan du opleve hele spektret af Lees magtfuldt gnistrende og følsomme spil folde sig ud i Diversity Trio. Trioen, der har Søren Lee som leder, tæller også to andre virtuoser, Linley Marthe på bas og Niclas Campagnol på trommer. Se frem til en ny, moderne og dynamisk version af guitar-trioen med tre fabelagtige solister, der er fuldkomment til stede, lydhøre og kreative med hver deres personlige, knivskarpe lyd og klang. Lees altid velskrevne og harmoniske åbne, jazzy numre giver plads til alle tre musikeres unikke talenter. Lees energiske, lige-fra-hjertet guitar, Marthes superfunky basgrooves og Campagnols dynamiske drive har en særlig powerfuld kemi. Tilsammen spiller trioen med et sjældent hørt punch, overskud og vitalitet – uanset om de spiller groovy numre eller ballader.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

Monday-Tuesday, March 9-10 at20.00 (8 PM)

Ginne Marker / Upcoming

Ginne Marker(Vokal / DK)Aske Jacoby(Guitar/Vokal / DK)Jacob Christoffersen(Piano / DK)Frederik Damsgaard(Bass / DK)Jeppe Gram(Drums / DK)

The 25-year-old Ginne Marker from Aalborg is a remarkable guitarist, songwriter and singer, that elegantly communicate profound emotions with her expressive and warm voice. In terms of genre, Marker’s musical expression is a composition of a singer/songwriter, folk and jazz universe with references to distinctive singers such as Norah Jones and Melody Gardot.She won third place in JazzDanmark’s National Jazz Competition 2019 and in November she releases her debut album ‘For Seasons to Come’.Based on classical jazz standards Marker, by means of her beautiful vocal and well-shaped arrangements, combines new and old tendencies while she emerges as an exciting take on the modern jazz singer.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Den 25-årige aalborgensiske Ginne Marker er en bemærkelsesværdig guitarist, sangskriver og sangerinde, der med sin udtryksfulde og varme stemme elegant formidler de helt dybe følelser. Genremæssigt bevæger Markers musikalske udtryk sig imellem et singer/songwriter-, folk- og jazzunivers med referencer til markante sangerinder som Norah Jones og Melody Gardot.Hun sang og spillede sig ind på en tredje plads til JazzDanmarks nationale Jazzkonkurrence i 2019, og til november udkommer hendes debutalbum ’For Seasons to Come’. Med afsæt i klassiske jazzstandarder forener Marker, ved hjælp fra sin smukke vokal og sine velformede arrangementer, nye og gamle tendenser, imens hun fremstår som et spændende tag på den moderne jazzsangerinde.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Thursday-Saturday, March 12-14 at20.00 (8 PM)

Eddie Henderson Quartet (Cancelled)

Eddie Henderson(Trumpet / US)Danny Grissett(Piano / US)Arnie Somogyi(Bass / UK)Stephen Keogh(Drums / IE)

It is not enough to have a beautiful tone. You also need to know what to do with it! Trumpet player Eddie Henderson possesses both qualities. Henderson first came forward in the middle of the 1970’s as a permanent member of Herbie Hancock’s ensembles. He marked himself as an essential part of Hancock’s innovative jazz fusion and from there he continued as a leader of his own groups within the fields of latin jazz, jazz fusion and smooth jazz. Eddie Henderson’s current group has “returned” to the authentic, acoustic jazz; an expression that Henderson masters to perfection and where he is eminently supported by his trio. Look forward to timeless, storytelling music where Eddie Henderson’s exceptionally beautiful tone is an attraction itself.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Our restaurant is open before the concert.

Det er ikke nok at have en smuk tone. Men skal også vide, hvad man skal gøre med den! Trompetisten Eddie Henderson ejer begge egenskaber. Henderson trådte først frem i midten af 1970’erne som fast medlem af Herbie Hancocks ensembler. Her markerede han sig som en væsentlig del af Hancocks nytænkende jazzfusion og fortsatte derfra som leder af egne grupper inden for latinjazz, jazzfusion og decideret smooth-jazz. Eddie Hendersons nuværende gruppe er ”vendt tilbage” til den autentiske, akustiske jazz; et udtryk som Henderson behersker til perfektion, og hvor han fornemt bliver støttet af sin faste trio. Se frem til tidløs, historiefortællende musik, hvor Eddie Hendersons utroligt flotte tone er en attraktion i sig selv.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

Thursday-Saturday, March 19-21 at20.00 (8 PM)

Carsten Dahl Trinity (Cancelled)

Carsten Dahl(Piano / Rhodes / DK)Niels Bosse Davidsen (19/3)(Bass / DK)Ole Morten Vågan (20-21/3)(Bass / DK)Stefan Pasborg(Drums / DK)

The pianist Carsten Dahl continues to surprise. Just as one thought that he was categorized as an exclusive solo pianist, he comes out as leader of a row of tough and raw constellations and now in this trio, which possibly tops in strength and coarseness. Dahl brings one of the country’s most attentive bassists Nils Bo Davidsen and the ultra-dynamic drummer Stefan Pasborg. And the music? Aggressive, flexible, playful, right on the spot and of course tough and raw. It’s trio music that doesn’t exist elsewhere, which constantly develops and digs out new musical expressions, which no one else has been in the proximity of. In other words: Music going forward with solid roots in and great respect for the already existing.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Our restaurant is open before the concert.

Pianisten Carsten Dahl bliver ved med at overraske. Bedst som man troede, at han var sat i bås som eksklusiv solopianist, springer han ud som leder af en række skrappe og rå konstellationer og nu i denne trio, som muligvis topper i styrke og råhed. Med sig har Dahl en af landets mest opmærksomme bassister Nils Bo Davidsen og den ultra-dynamiske trommeslager Stefan Pasborg. Og musikken? Aggressiv, fleksibel, legende, lige-på og selvfølgelig skrap og rå. Det er triomusik, som ikke findes tilsvarende nogen steder, som til stadighed udvikler sig og finder nye musikalske udtryk frem, som ingen andre har været i nærheden af. Med andre ord: Fremtidig musik med solide rødder i og stor respekt for det allerede eksisterende.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

Thursday, March 26 at20.00 (8 PM)

Justin Kauflin/Thomas Fonnesbæk/Morten Lund (Cancelled)

Justin Kauflin(Piano / US)Thomas Fonnesbæk(Bass / DK)Morten Lund(Drums / DK)

Justin Kauflin is one of the great piano talents of recent times, and this evening he returns to Montmartre's grand piano in the company of the two Danish stars Thomas Fonnesbæk and Morten Lund. The three musicians, each sublime virtuoso on their own instrument, meet for a powerful exchange of dynamic jazz.The collaboration between Kauflin and Fonnesbæk has received very commendable reviews for the releases Synesthesia (2017) and Sharing (2018), and at this concert we will hear a little bit of their compositions, some standards and a good amount of improvisation in between.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Our restaurant is open before the concert.

Justin Kauflin er et af nyere tids store klavertalenter, og denne aften vender han tilbage bag Montmartres flygel i selskab med de to danske stjerner Thomas Fonnesbæk og Morten Lund. De tre musikere er hver især sublime virtuoser på hver deres instrument og mødes nu til kraftfyldt og dynamisk jazz. Samarbejdet mellem Kauflin og Fonnesbæk har modtaget særdeles rosende anmeldelser for udgivelserne Synesthesia (2017) og Sharing (2018), og til denne koncert vi vil da også høre lidt af hver deres kompositioner, lidt standarder og en god portion improvisation ind i mellem.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

Friday, March 27 at20.00 (8 PM)

Michala Østergaard Art Quartet (Cancelled)

Michala Østergaard-Nielsen(Drums / DK)Marc Ducret(Guitar / FR)Kasper Tranberg(Trumpet/Cornet / DK)Per Jørgensen(Vocal/Trumpet / NO)Anders Jormin(Bass / SE)

It is rare for a young Danish female drummer to receive an international award. But it actually happened to Michala Østergaard, who in 2018 received the 'Jazzkannan', one of Sweden's most prestigious awards given to musicians who bring the music further.This evening, Michala Østergaard is with her regular, international group with some of the most equilibristic improvisation musicians from Scandinavia and France - and this time extended with a fifth member - bassist Anders Jormin.It is a meeting between four countries and five musicians, each with their very own strong personality in a special open music that challenges, tickles and scratches, all at once. Magical storytelling, where images arise, emotions are born and people meet.

Students/under 26: 50% off

Our restaurant is open before the concert.

Det hører til sjældenhederne at en ung dansk, kvindelig trommeslager modtager en international pris. Men det skete faktisk for Michala Østergaard, der i 2018 fik ”Jazzkannan”, en af Sveriges fornemste priser, der gives til musikere som bringer musikken videre.Her høres Michala Østergaard med sin faste, internationale gruppe med nogle af de mest ekvilibristiske improvisationsmusikere fra Skandinavien og Frankrig - og denne gang udvidet med et femte medlem - bassisten Anders Jormin.Det er et møde mellem fire lande og fem musikere med hver deres stærke personlighed i en særlig åben musik, der udfordrer, kilder, aer, river og kradser, og som aldrig er ligegyldig. Tryllebindende “storytelling”, hvor billeder opstår, følelser fødes og mennesker mødes.

Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

Saturday, March 28 at20.00 (8 PM)
Udskrift Af Billeder Carsten Dahl Og Christina Dahl Duo

Søren Lampe: I Lampens Skær (Cancelled)

Søren Lampe(Vocal / DK)Jesper Riis(Trumpet / DK)Søren Møller(Piano / DK)Matthias Petri(Bass / DK)Morten Lund(Drums / DK)

In Denmark, there are very few male jazz singers. And even fewer that exclusively sing in Danish. Søren Lampe is one of them. He has made it his agenda to “jazzify” Danish folk songs as well as more contemporary classics, which he does very convincingly and personally. Here, the listener gets the opportunity to hear the quality in songs from the song books of Danish folk songs and evergreens from the 20th century. With these extraordinary musicians with him on stage, Lampe will demonstrate the great art of jazz singing.

Students/under 26: 50% off

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Herhjemme findes kun ganske få mandlige jazzsangere. Og endnu færre, der udelukkende synger på dansk. Søren Lampe er en af dem. Han har sat sig for at ”jazzificere” danske folkesange såvel som mere nutidige klassikere, hvilket han gør ganske overbevisende og yderst personligt. Her får lytteren mulighed for at (gen)høre kvaliteten i sange fra højskolesang- og evergreen-bogen fra det 20. århundrede. Med fornemme musikere bag sig viser Lampe, at jazzsang er en vidunderlig kunstform.

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Studerende/under 26: 50 % rabat

Restauranten er åben inden koncerten.

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